Films / TV Series

Title Character Released Age Stills Videos
What We FoundHolly20191500
Big Time AdolescenceSophie20191500
A Bad Moms ChristmasJane20171400
The BeguiledAmy2017143540
Lily + Mara (Short)Lily20161300
Bad MomsJane Mitchell2016134070
Pete's DragonNatalie2016134731
Little BoxesAmbrosia2016133251
Vicky & JohnnyYoung Vicky20151201
SouthpawLeila Hope2015124205
Imaginapped (Short)Olivia2015123131
The Grief of OthersBiscuit Ryrie20151200
I Smile BackDaisy201512240
American Gladiators (Short)?20141100
Tumorhead (Short)Jean20141100
A Little GameBecky2014113186
Penny Dreadful (Short)Little Girl2013101571
Esther (Short)Esther2012900
Wet Cement (Short)Girl201292321
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